Posts in Life

Music is a sign of a thriving culture. We celebrate ancient cultures that made instruments and imagine their concerts and the human creative drive that made them want to create and manipulate sounds in such a way that it becomes an outlet for emotion and thought. 2020 stole our concerts. This is a short lament about wondering if we’re thriving. It’s me calling out my past self for not traveling when I could.

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LifeSerena Woods2020, Covid
Let's Make A Sin Of It

A local pastor has said that those who do yoga are opening themselves up to the demonic power of Satan. He cites the origins of yoga and says that even if you don’t attribute the ancient religion to your downward dog, that it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to go through the motions and you should be afraid. I’m thinking, why stop at yoga? They celebrate Halloween. Why not take issue with that? Birthdays, birthday cakes, Christmas trees… the list doesn’t stop. If we go this route, we’re going to need to reestablish the sacrificial system of priests and lambs, and eventually we’re going to need a Savior.

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